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probably too big a subject
to tackle in a poem
maybe too big a subject
to tackle in a song
but what can one write
about this grand, complicated thing
that we all have in common
We are all born with it
We all have it taken away
and in between we struggle

with its meaning

Its mysteries are vast
they overwhelm us sometimes
so most of the time we don't even

think about it

just let it go by
Those are the times we feel no weight
no mystery
no confusion
but we also don't feel any meaning
Then we think about it again
and are, once again, overwhelmed
Some get too frustrated--
They give up
They either end it,or
just exist
I don't know which is worse
both are cop-outs
It is too vast a subject for
a poem or a song
It may even be too vast for

a lifetime

But maybe it was meant to be that way
If someone finds out every mystery

every meaning

then wouldn't life end?

copyright 1992 Dale Suffridge

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