She's Still LookingShe's got
she keeps them stacked high
they form a circle
valuables hidden inside
and she acts
band aids for wounds
no eyes behold
yet her heart sings happy tunes
She's still
like us all
looking for... |
And she speaks
says she's having fun
to ease the nerves
not to be undone
And she smiles
the bringer of joy
music boxes out of tune
still considered a toy
She's still
like us all
looking for... |
Man can't fight his way in
she's tired of wars
nor can he force his entry
she has enough scars
He must ask politely
to gain his view
of a gorgeous treasure
seen only by few
She's still
like us all
looking for... |
If one is ever found
inside the barricades
standing next to diamonds
that man is safe
for she's allowed the entry
what no one else could do
And it seems all along
she was looking for you
copyright 1992 Dale