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Hang On

There's frustration and countless aggrevation
as time seems to crawl on by
With no sensation and lack of revelation
you don't even want to try

Can't see the reason for the change of season
don't even know where you stand
But all the showers bring life to the flowers
give water to the barren land

It won't be more than you can endure
and the doctor will surely find the cure
I know you'll make sense of the rhyme, in time
when the final hill you climb

Hang on
I know the end is near
Hang on
There won't be a wasted tear
Through the grief and through the sorrow
I know you'll see tomorrow
if you only hang on

Your situation may test your limitation
but it won't be more than you can stand
And it's duration has careful calculation
to change the boy into a man

Hang On
When the dark has seen its last
Hang On
you'll make sense of the past
you think you won't make it through
Oh, but I have faith in you
if you only hang on

copyright 1992 Dale Suffridge

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