The Feeble Attempt at
Humor SectionYou
have made it to the section that I did not even
want to be in this book. Unfortunately,many of my
friends said that they would not buy this book
unless it included poems like
"Showdown" and "Early to
Being the true artist that I am, however, that I
could not stoop to include work that I did not
deem worthy of appearing in these pages. That
would be selling out.
So much to their displeasure, there will be no
"Early to Class" or
"Showdown" in this publication. In
fact, I do not recall writing those poems at all.
And if there happens to be any copies of those
poems in circulation with my name on them, I will
deny ever writing them until the day I pass on.
I did not break the laws of my country. I did not
inhale. I did not have sexual relations with that
woman, and I did not write any humorous poems.
copyright 1992 Dale