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Foolish Dream

Leaves change
bright colors
fill the mountainside
red, yellow, maroon,
orange and gold
mix with the green
forming a blanket
keeping the wildlife warm
tremendous beauty to behold

"It should stay like this
"This is the way it was
meant to be."

Foolish dream of permanence

The leaves giggle
as they tumble to the ground
leaving the dreamer to wonder
why his heart hurts so

Foolish dream of permanence

What was there would have
become unnoticed
in the passing of time
Soon to be taken for granted
like a poem without a rhyme

Foolish dream of permanence

Little dreamer,
don't you understand
your false security resting on
your premature assumptions
and your premature plans

Still you sleep
Still you dream your
foolish dream

copyright 1992 Dale Suffridge

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